
Finished Projects

HorizonVis – Interactive Visual Exploration of Multivariate Medical Measurements in Diabetes Care

Multivariate, time-oriented data plays a central role in many domains such as medicine, finance, or environmental engineering. Information Visualization can be an instrument to make such vast datasets intuitively comprehensible. As the number of time series increases, visualizations need to be space-efficient. Horizon graphs [Reijner, 2008] are an innovative approach to reduce required space by dividing the a chart into bands and layering these.

HypoVis: Modeling Hypotheses with Visual Analytics Methods

The primary goal of Visual Analytics is the close intertwinedness of human reasoning and automated methods. Our goal in HypoVis is the design and development of a Visual Analytics process that uses the inherent structure contained in time-oriented data as a way to improve the integration of human reasoning. This structure can, for example, be seen in the calendar aspect of time being composed of smaller granularities, like years and seasons. Our focus is the generation of models from hypotheses, consisting of bringing the hypotheses into an automated system, and validating it.

ImagePlus + ManageCategories for Mediawiki

ManageCategories: Categorizing Articles without Knowledge of Wikimarkup.

ImagePlus: Adding / Manipulating of Images using without Knowledge of Wikimarkup using HTML Objects.
Research and Evaluation of existing WYSWYG Extensions for Mediawiki

IMMV: Interactive Music Mapping Vienna: Exploring a City, 1945 up to the present day

The questions of how music acts in the urban context as a social identification instrument and how music is functionalized to urban symbolic politics form the starting point of the research project conducted by the MUK (Music and Arts University of The City of Vienna). The music component of mental determination of urbanity is created using the example of City of Vienna: How the "sensual" medium of music, generator of atmosphere and mood, produces not only ideological subjects, but also the notion of specific urban spheres?

in2vis - Interactive Information Visualization: Exploring and Supporting Human Reasoning Processes

Users are confronted with a huge amount of abstract, but highly structured data. They want to accomplish different kinds of tasks, where they need different interactions and navigations as well as different views of the same data to gain more insight into the data under investigation.  These processes of investigation are very complex and only little guidance exists. Therfore our aims are

InfoVis Tools - A Detailed Comparison of Information Visualization Tools Using a Reference Data Set

Many approaches to solve the problem of visualizing time-oriented data have been published in recent time, creating the need to categorize not only the methods to visualize time-oriented data but also the information visualization tools available on the market. Because of the difficulty of comparing such tools no agreement on a common categorization has been reached. This master's thesis uses a recently published categorization to perform a detailed comparison of several visualization tools, focusing on the temporal aspects of data.

InfoVis:Wiki - the Information Visualization community platform

Using editable-by-anyone Wiki technology turned out to be the only way of keeping the presented information up to date and knowledge exchange vivid.

InfoVis:Wiki Main Page



iUMLS – A Program to Enlarge and Modify Output of MetaMap

iUMLS provides an API to enhance, modify, and serialize the output of the MMTx program.

KnoVA – Knowledge–Assisted Visual Analytics

Nowadays increasing amounts of data about complex phenomena are collected, stored, and made available for analysis.  Visual Analytics (VA), “the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces”, is a multidisciplinary approach to make sense of this data, combining the enormous processing power of computers with the outstanding perceptual and cognitive capabilities of humans. Users of VA systems need to rely on prior knowledge to gain insights from data, formulate and test hypotheses, interpret results, and discover new knowledge.

LASSIE – modeLing treAtment proceSSes using Information Extraction

Modeling clinical guidelines and protocols in a computer-interpretable format is a challenging, but burdensome and time-consuming task. Existing methods and tools to support this task demand detailed medical knowledge, knowledge about the formal representations, and a manual modeling. Furthermore, formalized guideline documents mostly fall far short in terms of readability and understandability for the human domain modeler.

MapFace - A Graphical Editor for MetaMap Transfer (MMTx)

MapFaceThe MMTx program [1] tokenizes free text of medical documents into phrases and maps UMLS concepts [3] to the medical concepts identified within these phrases. Due to the complexity of this task, it is still necessary to correct parts of the tokenization as well as the mapping of UMLS concepts.

MetaDataEditor - Collecting and Storing Medical Metadata


MetaDataEditor uses a prototypical XML-based framework which allows gathering following metadata concerning:

MobiGuide: Guiding Patients Anytime Everywhere

MobiGuide LogoMobiGuide (MG) will develop a patient guidance system that integrates hospital and monitoring data into a Personal Health Record (PHR) accessible by patients and care providers and provide personalized secure clinical-guideline-based guidance also outside clinical environments. MG's ubiquity will be achieved by having a Decision Support System (DSS) at the back end, and on the front end by utilizing Body Area Network (BAN) technology and developing a coordinated light-weight DSS that can operate independently. Personalization will be achieved by considering patient preferences and context. Retrospective data analysis will be used to assess compliance and to indicate care pathways shown to be beneficial for certain patient context.

NegHunter – Negation Detection in Medical Documents Using Syntactical Methods

NegHunter is a program to detect negated concepts in medical documents using syntactical methods.

OncoCure - Information and Communication Technologies for Clinical Governance in Oncology

OncoCureThe general aim of the project is to use innovative ICT-based methods and models for clinical governance in oncology, by designing and developing a system for supporting and controlling the best evidence-based oncological care process. The system is based on electronic guidelines and recommendations and will be integrated with clinical information systems (CIS) to manage the oncological patients.

PDF2Table – Utilizing Table Patterns

If we surf the web we can find PDF files in heaps. Once technical details of an amazing five mega pixel digital camera, once a statistic about the last two years incomes of an enterprise, and once a brilliant crime novel of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is saved in a PDF file. The widespread use of this file format takes the focus on the question of how to reuse the data in such a file. Many things are already done in this area. For example, there are several tools that convert PDF-files to other formats.

PlanViewer - Treating Temporal Uncertainties of Complex Hierarchical Data Visually


The visualization was developed with two open-source toolkits: The InfoVis Toolkit and Prefuse. The InfoVis Toolkit provides a memory saving data table used to store abstract data, prefuse is the base framework for all graphical issues.

The application was developed in the scope of a thesis about temporal uncertainties in plans. Generally, there are three ways on how to treat temporal uncertainties:

polycube - Towards Integrated Mental Models of Cultural Heritage Data

Web-based databases of museums’ and cultural institutions’ collections enable fast access to important cultural assets for everyone: Millions of paintings, sculptures, music, and artworks can be reached with only a few clicks. Current research shows that interested visitors like to explore digital collections - often without a concrete goal. They like their observations to add up and make sense and to learn something new.


Smart Communities and Technologies (SmartCT)

Cities are ever-evolving, complex cyber physical systems of systems covering a magnitude of different areas. The initial concept of a smart city started with cities utilizing communication technologies to deliver services to their citizens and evolved to using information technology to be smarter and more efficient about the utilization of their resources. In recent years however, information technology has changed significantly, and with it the resources and areas addressable by a smart city have broadened considerably. They now cover areas like smart buildings, smart traffic systems and roads, autonomous driving, energy hubs, electric car utilization, water/waste and pollution management, as well as concepts like urban farming. Therefore, we must enable an open adaptive interconnected approach that is able to incorporate new areas on demand overcoming potentially limiting compartmentalization. Smart cities exchanging their capabilities in an organic elastic manner, being able to address whatever challenge and opportunity they face with the expertise, data, and knowledge of a global network of expert stakeholders form the basis of our vision for an Internet of Cities.  Our central focus is to create the scientific underpinnings for a future Internet of Cities infrastructure. We will create a comprehensive set of methodologies, models, and tools for design, development, management, and evolution of next-generation smart city applications.

Social Rewarding

Wikipedia - the most famous free encyclopedia - has been grown to the biggest wiki community site where hundreds of thousands of users all around the world post and edit articles in many different languages. As other online communities have troubles motivating users to participate actively, the tremendous contribution rate on Wikipedia has led to many problems like wrong information, copyright violations, or users' misbehavior, for example, spammers or trolls.

TimeBench: A Data Model and Software Library for Visual Analytics of Time-Oriented Data

TimeBench is a free and open source software library that provides foundational data structures and algorithms for time-oriented data in Visual Analytics. Its expressiveness and developer accessibility have been evaluated through application examples demonstrating a variety of challenges with time-oriented data and long-term developer studies conducted in the scope of research and student projects.


TimeRider – Visualizing Patient Cohorts by Animated Scatter Plots

The aim of this project was to develop a program, which helps to show the development of medical parameters over time. These (30) parameters result from examinations of patients who are treated for diabetes. The examinations take place in irregular intervals from six weeks up to three months.


TimeViewer/TimeVis - Visualizing Temporal Data using prefuse


Particularly the requirements were:

TrainVis - Interactive visualization of train schedules

Timetables for trains or airplanes are often represented astextual tables. These contain usually all important information, however it is often not easy to find answersto more specific questions, like for example - "which train should I taketo travel from Vienna to Paris as quick as possible without changing the train twice?" - Humans can process visual information better than text and that?s why our application shall facilitate the process of understanding and searching a timetable.