Tim Lammarsch, Wolfgang Aigner, Alessio Bertone, Silvia Miksch, Alexander Rind, "Towards a Concept how the Structure of Time Can Support the Visual Analytics Process",
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Visual Analytics held in Europe (EuroVA 2011), pp. 9--12, 2011.
Alexander Rind, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Silvia Wiltner, Margit Pohl, Felix Drexler, Barbara Neubauer, Nikolaus Suchy, "Visually Exploring Multivariate Trends in Patient Cohorts Using Animated Scatter Plots",
Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers, Proceedings of the International Conference held as part of HCI International 2011, pp. 139–148, 2011.
Alexander Rind, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Silvia Wiltner, Margit Pohl, Thomas Turic, Felix Drexler, "Visual Exploration of Time-oriented Patient Data for Chronic Diseases: Design Study and Evaluation",
Proceedings of USAB 2011: Information Quality in e-Health, pp. 301–320, 2011.
Margit Pohl, Silvia Wiltner, Alexander Rind, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Thomas Turic, Felix Drexler, "Patient Development at a Glance: An Evaluation of a Medical Data Visualization",
Proceedings of 13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2011), Part IV, pp. 292–299, 2011.
Alexander Rind, Silvia Miksch, Wolfgang Aigner, Thomas Turic, Margit Pohl, "VisuExplore: Gaining New Medical Insights from Visual Exploration",
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH@CHI2010), pp. 149-152, 2010.
Alexander Rind, Wolfgang Aigner, Thomas Turic, Silvia Miksch, Margit Pohl, "VisuExplore: Gewinnung neuer medizinischer Erkenntnisse durch visuelle Exploration",
Tagungsband der eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth, pp. 273-278, 2010.
Wolfgang Aigner, Alessio Bertone, Tim Lammarsch, Silvia Miksch, Alexander Rind, "Interactively Exploring Time-Oriented Data",
Workshop Notes of CHI 2009 workshop "Interacting with temporal data" at Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009), 2009.
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Wolfgang Aigner, Alexander Rind, Silvia Miksch, "InfoVis:Wiki (http://www.infovis-wiki.net): A Community Platform for Information Visualization",
Proceedings of VisWeek 2009 workshop ``Putting Visualization on the Web'', 2009.
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Alexander Rind, "Interactive Information Visualization in Patient Care and Clinical Research: State of the Art",
, 2009.
Alexander Rind, "Datenflut im medizinischen Alltag - PatientInnendaten im Überblick",
TIMNEWSupgrade, vol. 42, pp. 20–21, 2008.
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Klemens Waldhör, Alexander Rind, "etBlogAnalysis – Mining Virtual Communities using Statistical and Linguistic Methods for Quality Control in Tourism",
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008, pp. 453–462, 2008.
Klemens Waldhör, Claudia Freidl, Alexander Rind, Kathrin Ecker, "TAI (Day Trip Indicator) – Measuring Value Added in the Tourism Sector",
eTourism Case Studies: Management and Marketing Issues in eTourism, pp. 361–371, 2008.
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Kathrin Ecker, Claudia Freidl, Alexander Rind, Klemens Waldhör, "Wertschöpfungsmessung im Tourismus",
eTourism - Berichte aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, pp. 47–56, 2006.
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Klemens Waldhör, Claudia Freidl, Christian Maurer, Alexander Rind, Kathrin Ecker, Michael Blaim, "Marktplatz Hotelzimmer: Konzepte und Möglichkeiten für den Smart Hotelroom",
Tourismus Journal, vol. 8, pp. 357–366, 2004.