ViENA: Visual Enterprise Network Analytics


This project is supported by the program FIT-IT Visual Computing of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology.

Project Number: 820928


The research project VIENA (Visual Enterprise Network Analytics) aims to develop and test a prototype software of visual network analysis that will be capable to support organizational consulting services. As its focus will be the visualization of change, its main purpose is the display and evaluation of change management processes.

Collaboration is the way work gets done in organisations. Therefore networks of different types, functions and compositions have become an inevitable precondition of organisational performance in the modern corporate world. However, these networks are not static, but changing over time. Organisational analysts such as consultants, enterprise analysts, and strategic and human resource managers are seeking for appropriate tools and methods supporting the information discovery processes of these dynamic networks and the underlying data. In particular, interactive visual and analytic methods to explore the dynamic properties of underlying structures are required to provide empirically grounded decision support for organisational analysts.

To meet these demands the proposed project "Visual Enterprise Network Analytics" (VIENA) takes on the method of Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) whose potential for applied use in enterprises is well known. To unlock this potential also to non-domain experts two associated fields of research are leveraged: namely Visual Analytics and Usability Engineering. A constant focus on usability will assure the development of a user-centred software prototype and an intuitive GUI, while the Visual Analytics components will allow the radically new interactive exploration of dynamic network data sets and the retrieval of relevant information. VIENA facilitates the (semi-)automatic analysis of teams and organisations over different periods of time.

The heterogeneous dynamical data and information sets which get structured, semantically annotated, and visualised by DNA methods get additionally processed using innovative Visual Analytics methods. The aimed integration of selected research prototypes into the industrial partner's business software environment will allow real-user testing and assessments from the application and utility point of view.


Paolo Federico, "Visual Analytics of Dynamic Networks", Faculty of Informatics, vol. PhD in Computer Science, pp. 192, 2017.
Silvia Miksch, Wolfgang Aigner, "A Matter of Time: Applying a Data-Users-Tasks Design Triangle to Visual Analytics of Time-Oriented Data", Computers & Graphics, Special Section on Visual Analytics, vol. 38, pp. 286-290, 2014.
Michael Smuc, Paolo Federico, Florian Windhager, Wolfgang Aigner, Lukas Zenk, Silvia Miksch, "How Do You Connect Moving Dots? Insights from User Studies on Dynamic Network Visualizations", Handbook of Human Centric Visualization, pp. 623-650, 2013.
Bilal Alsallakh, Peter Bodesinsky, Alexander Gruber, Silvia Miksch, "Visual Tracing for the Eclipse Java Debugger", 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pp. 545-548, 2012. Screencast
Paolo Federico, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Jürgen Pfeffer, Michael Smuc, Florian Windhager, Lukas Zenk, "ViENA: Visual Enterprise Network Analytics", Poster Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), pp. 12, 2012.
Florian Windhager, Michael Smuc, Lukas Zenk, Paolo Federico, Jürgen Pfeffer, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, "Visual Knowledge Networks Analytics", Knowledge Management Handbook, pp. 187–206, 2012. paper
Florian Windhager, Lukas Zenk, Paolo Federico, "Visual Enterprise Network Analytics - Visualizing Organizational Change", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 22, pp. 59 - 68, 2011. paper
Margit Pohl, Silvia Wiltner, Alexander Rind, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Thomas Turic, Felix Drexler, "Patient Development at a Glance: An Evaluation of a Medical Data Visualization", Proceedings of 13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2011), Part IV, pp. 292–299, 2011.
, "International Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2011)", , 2011.
, "IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2011)", , 2011.