
Wintergraph 2024!

Submitted by Velitchko Filipov on
From the 15th to 17th of January -- the 2024 edition of Wintergraph was hosted in Kaprun, gathering researchers from the broad sphere of Visual Computing, from Computer Graphics to Computer Vision and Visual Analytics.

We are Hiring! Prae-doc position for upcoming science project on network visualization

Submitted by Alessio Arleo on

The Austrian Science Fund approved the project proposal "SANE: ViSual ANalytics for Event-based Diffusion on Networks" submitted by Alessio Arleo (PI), Prof. Silvia Miksch (Co-PI), in cooperation (under the WEAVE agreement) with Prof. Tatiana von Landesberger from the University of Cologne.

This opens a new prae-doc position in our group! Check the project page to know more.