Wolfgang Aigner and Velitchko Filipov @ "Symposium „International Scholar’s Study Sessions: Wiener Perspektiven“

Submitted by Silvia Miksch on

Wolfgang Aigner and Velitchko Filipov @ Symposium „International Scholar’s Study Sessions: Wiener Perspektiven“ organized by Susana Zapke, Music and Arts University of The City of Vienna (MUK)

FR, 18. NOVEMBER 2022, 10:00―13:00 UHR


Moderation: Manuela Waldner (TU Wien)

10:00 Uhr: Florian Kleber (TU Wien), Exploration of the Vienna City Library Poster Collection using Computer Vision Approaches

10:30 Uhr: Manuela Waldner (TU Wien), How neural networks see the city/Wie neuronale Netze die Stadt sehen

11:00―11:30 Uhr: Kaffeepause

11:30 Uhr: Velitchko Filipov (TU Wien), Interactive Music Mapping Vienna: Networks in Space and Time

12:00 Uhr: Wolfgang Aigner (University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten), Data and the City: Daten über die Stadt und ihre Menschen sichtbar machen/Data and the City: Making data about the city and its people visible
