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Centre for Visual Analytics Science and Technology
Publications of Florian Windhager
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VisuExplore – Gaining New Medical Insights from Visual Exploration
Visualization Technique for Time-Oriented Data with Semantic Zoom
Visual Analytics and Computer Vision Meet Cultural Heritage
VISSECT - Visual Segmentation and Labeling of Multivariate Time Series
VisMaster CA -- Visual Analytics - Mastering the Information Age
ViENA: Visual Enterprise Network Analytics
Urumqi Project - The Water Quality Measurement
TrainVis 2 - Interactive visualization of railway timetables
TrainVis - Interactive visualization of train schedules
TimeViewer/TimeVis - Visualizing Temporal Data using prefuse
TimeRider – Visualizing Patient Cohorts by Animated Scatter Plots
TimeBench: A Data Model and Software Library for Visual Analytics of Time-Oriented Data
Social Rewarding
Smart Communities and Technologies (SmartCT)
SANE: ViSual ANalytics for Event-based Diffusion on Networks
polycube - Towards Integrated Mental Models of Cultural Heritage Data
PlanViewer - Treating Temporal Uncertainties of Complex Hierarchical Data Visually
PDF2Table – Utilizing Table Patterns
OncoCure - Information and Communication Technologies for Clinical Governance in Oncology
NegHunter – Negation Detection in Medical Documents Using Syntactical Methods
MobiGuide: Guiding Patients Anytime Everywhere
MetaDataEditor - Collecting and Storing Medical Metadata
MapFace - A Graphical Editor for MetaMap Transfer (MMTx)
LASSIE – modeLing treAtment proceSSes using Information Extraction
KnoVA – Knowledge–Assisted Visual Analytics
iUMLS – A Program to Enlarge and Modify Output of MetaMap
InfoVis:Wiki - the Information Visualization community platform
InfoVis Tools - A Detailed Comparison of Information Visualization Tools Using a Reference Data Set
in2vis - Interactive Information Visualization: Exploring and Supporting Human Reasoning Processes
IMMV: Interactive Music Mapping Vienna: Exploring a City, 1945 up to the present day
ImagePlus + ManageCategories for Mediawiki
HypoVis: Modeling Hypotheses with Visual Analytics Methods
HorizonVis – Interactive Visual Exploration of Multivariate Medical Measurements in Diabetes Care
Guideline Overview Tool (GOT)
GuidedVA: Guidance-Enriched Visual Analytics for Temporal Data
FishEye JTree
FinanceVis - Design and Evaluation of Visualization Methods to Compare Multivariate Time Series
EXPAND: EXploratory Visualization of PAtent Network Dynamics
EviX – Facilitating Evidence-based Decision Support Using Information Extraction and Clinical Guidelines
EviGuiDe – Embedding the Evidence Information in Computer-Supported Guidelines into the Decision-Making Process
EvalBench: A Software Library for Visualization Evaluation
Dynamic XML Query Table Editor (DQT)
DoRIAH: Domain-adaptive Remote sensing Image Analysis with Human-in-the-loop
Doctoral College: Environmental Informatics
DisCō - Visual DIScovery and COmmunication of complex time patterns in non regularly gathered multigranular and multivariate data
DeVisOR - Detection and Visualization of unexploded Ordnance Risks
DeTable – A Wrapper for Complex HTML Tables
DAD - Digital Aided Guide for Fathers-to-be
CVAST - Centre for Visual Analytics Science and Technology
CPGPro – Extracting Process Information from Clinical Practice Guidelines
CareVis - Interactive Visualization Methods to Support Protocol-Based Care
Blind Source Separation in Time and Space
AsbruFlow - Interactive Information Visualization to Support Protocol-based Care
ArtVis Dynamic Network Perspectives on Digital Art History
Florian Windhager
Saminu Salisu
Roger Leite
Velitchko Filipov
Silvia Miksch
Günther Schreder
Eva Mayr
Many Views Are Not Enough: Designing for Synoptic Insights in Cultural Collections
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
, vol. 40, pp. 58-71, 2020.
Eva Mayr
Saminu Salisu
Velitchko Filipov
Günther Schreder
Roger Leite
Silvia Miksch
Florian Windhager
Visualizing Biographical Trajectories by Historical Artifacts: A Case Study based on the Photography Collection of Charles W. Cushman
, , 2019.
Saminu Salisu
Eva Mayr
Velitchko Filipov
Roger Leite
Silvia Miksch
Florian Windhager
Shapes of Time: Visualizing Set Changes Over Time in Cultural Heritage Collections
, , pp. 45-47, 2019.
Saminu Salisu
Eva Mayr
Velitchko Filipov
Florian Windhager
Roger Leite
Silvia Miksch
Shapes of Time: Visualizing Set Changes Over Time
SetVA - Set Visual Analytics Workshop at IEEE VIS 2019
, 2019.
Florian Windhager
Paolo Federico
Günther Schreder
Katrin Glinka
Marian Dörk
Silvia Miksch
Eva Mayr
Visualization of Cultural Heritage Collection Data: State of the Art and Future Challenges
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
, vol. 25, pp. 20, 2018.
Florian Windhager
Velitchko Filipov
Saminu Salisu
Eva Mayr
Visualizing Uncertainty in Cultural Heritage Collections
EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3)
, 2018.
Florian Windhager
Paolo Federico
Saminu Salisu
Matthias Schlögl
Eva Mayr
A Synoptic Visualization Framework for the Multi-Perspective Study of Biography and Prosopography Data
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH‘17)
, pp. 5, 2017.
Florian Windhager
Eva Mayr
Günther Schreder
Michael Smuc
Paolo Federico
Silvia Miksch
Reframing Cultural Heritage Collections in a Visualization Framework of Space-Time Cubes
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational History (HistoInformatics2016)
, vol. 1632, pp. 20-24, 2016.
Eva Mayr
Paolo Federico
Silvia Miksch
Günther Schreder
Michael Smuc
Florian Windhager
Visualization of Cultural Heritage Data for Casual Users
IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities
, 2016.
Florian Windhager
Paolo Federico
Eva Mayr
Günther Schreder
Michael Smuc
A Review of Information Visualization Approaches and Interfaces to Digital Cultural Heritage Collections
Proceedings of the 9th Forum Media Technology (FMT2016)
, pp. 74–81, 2016.
Florian Windhager
Albert Amor-Amorós
Michael Smuc
Paolo Federico
Lukas Zenk
Silvia Miksch
A concept for the exploratory visualization of patent network dynamics
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
, 2015.
Michael Smuc
Paolo Federico
Florian Windhager
Wolfgang Aigner
Lukas Zenk
Silvia Miksch
How Do You Connect Moving Dots? Insights from User Studies on Dynamic Network Visualizations
Handbook of Human Centric Visualization
, pp. 623-650, 2013.
Paolo Federico
Wolfgang Aigner
Silvia Miksch
Florian Windhager
Michael Smuc
Vertigo Zoom: Combining Relational and Temporal Perspectives on Dynamic Networks
Proceedings of the 11th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI2012)
, pp. 437-440, 2012.
Paolo Federico
Wolfgang Aigner
Silvia Miksch
Jürgen Pfeffer
Michael Smuc
Florian Windhager
Lukas Zenk
ViENA: Visual Enterprise Network Analytics
Poster Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA)
, pp. 12, 2012.
Florian Windhager
Michael Smuc
Lukas Zenk
Paolo Federico
Jürgen Pfeffer
Wolfgang Aigner
Silvia Miksch
Visual Knowledge Networks Analytics
Knowledge Management Handbook
, pp. 187–206, 2012.
Paolo Federico
Wolfgang Aigner
Silvia Miksch
Florian Windhager
Lukas Zenk
A Visual Analytics Approach to Dynamic Social Networks
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (i-KNOW), Special Track on Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics (TAVA)
, pp. 47:1–47:8, 2011.
Florian Windhager
Lukas Zenk
Paolo Federico
Visual Enterprise Network Analytics - Visualizing Organizational Change
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
, vol. 22, pp. 59 - 68, 2011.
Paolo Federico
Wolfgang Aigner
Silvia Miksch
Florian Windhager
Lukas Zenk
A Case Study on Visual Analytics of Dynamic Networks
The Third International UKVAC Workshop on Visual Analytics (VAW 2011)
, 2011.