Digital Humanities


Since the creation of digital cultural heritage collections like Europeana, Trove, and Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) many art objects become available via the internet to its users. This gives the users the ability to view items which are not displayed in the museum, either because they are stored in a safe, under reconstruction or simply not in any physical exhibition. The questions if the collection is accessible enough for all users is still unanswered. Many of those collections are difficult to explore and targeted towards experts looking for specific items. Europeana, for example, has more than 50 million objects in its digital collection, which also makes it a big data challenge. This work aims to provide a detailed overview of current visualization techniques in the domain of cultural heritage. By including different set-based visualizations in this research, fitting techniques will

Year of Publication
Secondary Title
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Number of Pages
reposiTUm Handle
TU Wien
Place Published
B. Landauer, “Exploring cultural heritage with a set-based space-time cube”, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology. TU Wien, Vienna, p. 91, 2018.
Master Thesis

Museums and institutions that house cultural collections are increasingly interested in making their cultural heritage data publicly accessible. They often provide web-based interfaces, allowing users to search their cultural heritage data. Unfortunately, in many cases, these interfaces require domain knowledge about the data to use the collections effectively. This makes browsing through these digital collections unattractive for casual users. Appropriate Information Visualizations can solve this issue and make complex data understandable and accessible to non-experts. Surprisingly, visualizations are rarely used for supporting the accessibility of digital cultural heritage data collections, despite their effectiveness. In this thesis, I first review the current state of the art of visualizations for digital cultural heritage collections and the effectiveness of Information Visualization in this context. Subsequently, I propose an interactive web-based interface for exploring cultural heritage data through Information Visualizations, focusing on spatial data and multiple coordinated views. I present a prototypical implementation of this interface, a history map for images depicting scenes in Vienna between 1147 and 1995, owned by the Austrian National Library. The prototype uses existing image metadata, approximated geolocation, historical maps, and various visualization techniques to showcase the collection of images interactively. To assess the data’s accessibility based on this tool, I conducted a qualitative user study. My results indicate that visualizations can help with user engagement and can increase accessibility and understandability of the provided cultural heritage data.

Year of Publication
Secondary Title
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Number of Pages
reposiTUm Handle
TU Wien
Place Published
M. Fischer, “Visualization of cultural heritage collection data”, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology. TU Wien, Vienna, p. 126, 2020.
Master Thesis
V. Filipov, Schetinger, V., Raminger, K., Soursos, N., Zapke, S., and Miksch, S., “Gone full circle: A radial approach to visualize event-based networks in digital humanities”, Visual Informatics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 45-60, 2021.
V. Schetinger, Raminger, K., Filipov, V., Soursos, N., Zapke, S., and Miksch, S., “Bridging the Gap between Visual Analytics and Digital Humanities: Beyond the Data-Users-Tasks Design Triangle”. 2020.