Jolanda Wittenberg


Andreas Seyfang, Begona Martinez-Salvador, Radu Serban, Jolanda Wittenberg, Silvia Miksch, Mar Marcos, Annette Teije, Kitty Rosenbrand, "Maintaining Formal Models of Living Guidelines Efficiently", Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2007), pp. 441–445, 2007.
Andreas Seyfang, Silvia Miksch, Mar Marcos, Jolanda Wittenberg, Cristina Polo-Conde, Kitty Rosenbrand, "Bridging the Gap between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations", European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2006), pp. 447–451, 2006.
Cristina Polo-Conde, Mar Marcos, Andreas Seyfang, Jolanda Wittenberg, Silvia Miksch, Kitty Rosenbrand, "Assessment of MHB: an Intermediate Language for the Representation of Medical Guidelines", Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA-05), pp. I-19–I-28, 2005.
Andreas Seyfang, Silvia Miksch, Cristina Polo-Conde, Jolanda Wittenberg, Mar Marcos, Kitty Rosenbrand, "MHB–A Many-Headed Bridge Between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations", Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2005), pp. 146–150, 2005.