Monika Lanzenberger


Susanne Ohmann, Christian Popow, B Schuch, Herbert Herzog, A Karwautz, Silvia Miksch, Monika Lanzenberger, "LinkVis: A Novel Tool for Visualizing and Analyzing Psychotherapeutic Processes", OEGAI Journal, vol. 25, pp. 2–19, 2006.
Monika Lanzenberger, Silvia Miksch, Margit Pohl, "Exploring Highly Structured Data: A Comparative Study of Stardinates and Parallel Coordinates", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV 2005), pp. 312--320, 2005.
Susanne Ohmann, Christian Popow, B Schuch, A Karwautz, Monika Lanzenberger, Herbert Herzog, Silvia Miksch, "Manual Based Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (Cbt) for Adolescent Girls with Anorexia Nervosa (An) and their Families", 16th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP), 2004.
Christian Popow, Susanne Ohmann, Monika Lanzenberger, Herbert Herzog, B Schuch, Silvia Miksch, "LINK-VIS, a Computer Program for Visualizing the Psychotherapeutical Process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)", 16th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP), 2004.
Monika Lanzenberger, Silvia Miksch, Margit Pohl, "The Stardinates - Visualizing Highly Structured Data", The 7th International Conference on Information Visualisation, pp. 47–52, 2003. paper
Monika Lanzenberger, Silvia Miksch, "The Hyperbolic Hypotheses Tree", Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-Media 03), pp. 831–834, 2003. paper
Monika Lanzenberger, Silvia Miksch, Susanne Ohmann, Christian Popow, "Applying Information Visualization Techniques to Capture and Explore the Course of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy", The 2003 ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'03), pp. 268–274, 2003.
Susanne Ohmann, Christian Popow, Monika Lanzenberger, Silvia Miksch, "LINK-VIS, ein Programm für die Visualisierung psychotherapeutischer Prozesse", Kinderpsychotherapiekongress, 2003.
Monika Lanzenberger, "The Interactive Stardinates An Information Visualization Technique Applied in a Multiple View System", , 2003. paper

Co-advised Publications

Krisztina Joo, "Konzeption und Entwicklung einer Archivierungsschnittstelle", Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, pp. 99, 2005.
Klaus Hinum, "Human centred design for graphical user interfaces : practical guidelines", Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, pp. 136, 2004. paper