Silvia Miksch, Andreas Seyfang, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Methods of Temporal Data Validation and Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains",
Medical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 320–357, 2001.
Georg Duftschmid, Klaus Hammermueller, Silvia Miksch, Robert Kosara, Werner Horn, F Paky, Christian Popow, "Asgaard/Asbru Projekt: Ein Werkzeugset zur Erstellung und Durchführung von Medizinischen Leitlinien und Protokollen",
ÖGAI-Journal}, vol. 4, 1997.
G Egghart, Werner Horn, Silvia Miksch, F Paky, Christian Popow, "VIE-VENT: Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Überwachung und Optimierung der künstlichen Beatmung von Früh- und Neugeborenen",
ÖGAI-Journal}, vol. 4, 1997.
Werner Horn, Silvia Miksch, G Egghart, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Effective Data Validation of High-Frequency Data: Time-Point-, Time-Interval-, and Trend-Based Methods",
Computer in Biology and Medicine, Special Issue: Time-Oriented Systems in Medicine, vol. 27, pp. 389–409, 1997.
Silvia Miksch, Yuval Shahar, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, Peter Johnson, "Time-Oriented Skeletal Plans: Support to Design and Execution",
Recent Advances in AI Planing, Fourth European Conference on Planning ECP'97 (EWSP'97), pp. 301–313, 1997.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Yuval Shahar, Christian Popow, F Paky, Peter Johnson, "{Is Skeletal Planning in Real-World, High-Frequency Domains Possible?}",
Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97), 1997.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, F Paky, Christian Popow, "Medizinische Monitoring- und Therapieplanungssysteme in der Intensivmedizin",
ÖGAI-Journal}, vol. 4, 1997.
Christian Popow, Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, F Paky, "Clinical Intranet Applications at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit",
, 1997.
Werner Horn, Silvia Miksch, Christian Popow, F Paky, "VIE-VENT: Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Überwachung und Optimierung der künstlichen Beatmung von Früh- und Neugeborenen",
Symposium: Medizinische Experten- und wissensbasierte Systeme am AKH Wien, 1996.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, G Egghart, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Monitoring and Therapy Planning without Effective Data Validation are Ineffective",
AAAI Spring Symposium: AI in Medicine: Applications of Current Technologies, pp. 119–123, 1996.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Utilizing Temporal Data Abstraction for Data Validation and Therapy Planning for Artificially Ventilated Newborn Infants",
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM), vol. 8, pp. 543–576, 1996.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Context-Sensitive and Expectation-Guided Temporal Abstraction of High-Frequency Data",
Tenth International Workshop for Qualitative Reasoning (QR-96), vol. 01, pp. 154–163, 1996.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Protokoll-basierte Therapieplanung: Von der Erstellung zur Durchführung",
Symposium: Medizinische Experten-und wissensbasierte Systeme am AKH Wien, 1996.
Christian Popow, Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, F Paky, "Computerunterstützte Expertensystemean der Neonatologischen Intensivstation",
HP-CV Users' Club, 1996.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Monitoring and Therapy Planning as a Real-World Problem: VIE-VENT",
Wiener Intensivmedizinische Tage (WIT-95), ESTAIC Satellite Meeting: Patient Data Management Systems in Intensive Care Medicine, 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "VIE-VENT: A Knowledge-Based System for Monitoring and Optimizing Artificial Ventilation of Newborn Infants",
American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Computers and Other Technologies (SCOT), 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Therapy Planning Using Qualitative Trend Descriptions",
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe (AIME-95), pp. 197–208, 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Monitoring and Therapy Planning as a Real-World Problem: VIE-VENT",
International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, vol. 12, pp. 118–119, 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Intensive Care Monitoring and Therapy Planning for Newborns",
AAAI 1994 Spring Symposium: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Interpreting Clinical Data, 1994.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "Context-Sensitive Data Validation and Data Abstraction for Knowledge-Based Monitoring",
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-94), pp. 48–52, 1994.
Silvia Miksch, Christian Popow, Werner Horn, F Paky, "Wissenbasierte Systeme in der Intensivmedizin",
Workshop: Patienten Daten Management Systeme auf Intensivstationen, 1994.
Christian Popow, F Paky, Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, "VIE-VENT: A Computer System Supporting Therapy Planning of Neonatal Artificial Ventilation",
Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine, 1994.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "VIE-VENT: Knowledge-Based Monitoring and Therapy Planning of the Artificial Ventilation of Newborn Infants",
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe (AIME-93), pp. 218–229, 1993.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "VIE-VENT: Knowledge-Based Monitoring and Therapy Planning of the Artificial Ventilation of Newborn Infants",
, 1993.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "A Computer System for Ventilation, Monitoring and Therapy Planning of Newborn Infants",
Wissenschaftliche Herbsttagung der Gesellschaft für Ärzte, 1993.