F Paky


Silvia Miksch, Andreas Seyfang, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Methods of Temporal Data Validation and Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains}", Medical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 320–357, 2001. paper
Georg Duftschmid, Klaus Hammermueller, Silvia Miksch, Robert Kosara, Werner Horn, F Paky, Christian Popow, "{Asgaard/Asbru Projekt: Ein Werkzeugset zur Erstellung und Durchführung von Medizinischen Leitlinien und Protokollen}", ÖGAI-Journal}, vol. 4, 1997.
G Egghart, Werner Horn, Silvia Miksch, F Paky, Christian Popow, "{VIE-VENT: Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Überwachung und Optimierung der künstlichen Beatmung von Früh- und Neugeborenen}", ÖGAI-Journal}, vol. 4, 1997.
Werner Horn, Silvia Miksch, G Egghart, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Effective Data Validation of High-Frequency Data: Time-Point-, Time-Interval-, and Trend-Based Methods}", Computer in Biology and Medicine, Special Issue: Time-Oriented Systems in Medicine, vol. 27, pp. 389–409, 1997. paper
Silvia Miksch, Yuval Shahar, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, Peter Johnson, "{Time-Oriented Skeletal Plans: Support to Design and Execution}", Recent Advances in AI Planing, Fourth European Conference on Planning ECP'97 (EWSP'97), pp. 301–313, 1997. paper
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Yuval Shahar, Christian Popow, F Paky, Peter Johnson, "{Is Skeletal Planning in Real-World, High-Frequency Domains Possible?}", Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97), 1997.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, F Paky, Christian Popow, "{Medizinische Monitoring- und Therapieplanungssysteme in der Intensivmedizin}", ÖGAI-Journal}, vol. 4, 1997.
Christian Popow, Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, F Paky, "{Clinical Intranet Applications at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit}", , 1997.
Werner Horn, Silvia Miksch, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{VIE-VENT: Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Überwachung und Optimierung der künstlichen Beatmung von Früh- und Neugeborenen}", Symposium: Medizinische Experten- und wissensbasierte Systeme am AKH Wien, 1996.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, G Egghart, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Monitoring and Therapy Planning without Effective Data Validation are Ineffective}", AAAI Spring Symposium: AI in Medicine: Applications of Current Technologies, pp. 119–123, 1996. paper
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Utilizing Temporal Data Abstraction for Data Validation and Therapy Planning for Artificially Ventilated Newborn Infants}", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM), vol. 8, pp. 543–576, 1996. paper
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Context-Sensitive and Expectation-Guided Temporal Abstraction of High-Frequency Data}", Tenth International Workshop for Qualitative Reasoning (QR-96), vol. 01, pp. 154–163, 1996. paper
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Protokoll-basierte Therapieplanung: Von der Erstellung zur Durchführung}", Symposium: Medizinische Experten-und wissensbasierte Systeme am AKH Wien, 1996.
Christian Popow, Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, F Paky, "{Computerunterstützte Expertensystemean der Neonatologischen Intensivstation}", HP-CV Users' Club, 1996.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Monitoring and Therapy Planning as a Real-World Problem: VIE-VENT}", Wiener Intensivmedizinische Tage (WIT-95), ESTAIC Satellite Meeting: Patient Data Management Systems in Intensive Care Medicine, 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{VIE-VENT: A Knowledge-Based System for Monitoring and Optimizing Artificial Ventilation of Newborn Infants}", American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Computers and Other Technologies (SCOT), 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Therapy Planning Using Qualitative Trend Descriptions}", Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe (AIME-95), pp. 197–208, 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Monitoring and Therapy Planning as a Real-World Problem: VIE-VENT}", International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, vol. 12, pp. 118–119, 1995.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Intensive Care Monitoring and Therapy Planning for Newborns}", AAAI 1994 Spring Symposium: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Interpreting Clinical Data, 1994.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{Context-Sensitive Data Validation and Data Abstraction for Knowledge-Based Monitoring}", Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-94), pp. 48–52, 1994.
Silvia Miksch, Christian Popow, Werner Horn, F Paky, "{Wissenbasierte Systeme in der Intensivmedizin}", Workshop: Patienten Daten Management Systeme auf Intensivstationen, 1994.
Christian Popow, F Paky, Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, "{VIE-VENT: A Computer System Supporting Therapy Planning of Neonatal Artificial Ventilation}", Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine, 1994.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{VIE-VENT: Knowledge-Based Monitoring and Therapy Planning of the Artificial Ventilation of Newborn Infants}", Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe (AIME-93), pp. 218–229, 1993.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{VIE-VENT: Knowledge-Based Monitoring and Therapy Planning of the Artificial Ventilation of Newborn Infants}", , 1993.
Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, F Paky, "{A Computer System for Ventilation, Monitoring and Therapy Planning of Newborn Infants}", Wissenschaftliche Herbsttagung der Gesellschaft für Ärzte, 1993.