Explore and Investigate Media Transparency
Governmental advertisement in media and sponsorships are a possible way to influence press opinion. Therefore, the Austrian parliament passed a law that made it mandatory for governmental organizations to disclose their expenses for advertisements in different media (TV, radio, print, as well as online). This so-called "media transparency database" is made publicly available by the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR) via the Austrian open government data portal. It contains the accumulated amount of money transferred in a certain quarter of the year for each governmental organization and media company. This database can be explored as a multimodal dynamic network.
Design and prototypical implementation of an interactive visual interface to explore the media transparency database. The project scope includes automatic data preprocessing and a small user study.
Other information
Prototype: http://web.student.tuwien.ac.at/~e0920136/Files/MTDV/src/MTDV.html
Further information
Manuel T. Schrempf