Accessibility for Visualizations: Accessible Visualization for the Blind
The development of devices, which can also be used by blind people, has been making a remarkable progress in the digital century. The most significant result of this research are the so called “tactile displays”. They make it possible for graphical information to be perceived by the sense of touch. However, these displays are mostly geared towards textual data. Representations of data, such as diagrams have not yet received much attention.
The goal of this work is to conduct a structured state-of-the-art overview of available approaches to make visualizations accessible for the blind.
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Taras, C. (2011). Darstellungs- und Interaktionstechniken zur effizienten Nutzung grafischer Oberflächen durch Blinde und Sehbehinderte (PhD Thesis). University of Stuttgart. Retrieved from
Access2Graphics: Barrier-free Graphics in Web Applications, in: International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction (eMinds), Volume I, Number 2, Page(s) 59-73, 2006.