Visualize a Project Plan as a Gantt Chart


currently not available due to TU Wien budget cuts

Project plans are a common example of qualitative time-oriented data.  They are comprised of a different elements: activities, subactivities, milestones, and dependencies. The most common visualization for project plans are Gantt charts.


Develop a visualization prototype that loads a project plan and displays it as a Gantt chart. This prototype is built based on the visualization toolkit prefuse and a preexisting toolkit for management of time-oriented data. Project plans in MS Project and Asbru should be supported.

Other information

TimeBench: Java API for time-oriented data, information will be provided to the student.

TimeViewer: Existing visualization components for project plans.

MPXJ: Java API for MS Project files.

Asbru: Information will be provided to the student.

Information about prefuse:


Further information

Information Visualization, project management, computer-interpretable medical guidelines and protocols
Information Visualization (IV)
Previous knowledge
Java, optional: prefuse