Publications of Michael Smuc

Florian Windhager, Eva Mayr, Günther Schreder, Michael Smuc, Paolo Federico, Silvia Miksch, "Reframing Cultural Heritage Collections in a Visualization Framework of Space-Time Cubes", Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational History (HistoInformatics2016), vol. 1632, pp. 20-24, 2016.
Florian Windhager, Paolo Federico, Eva Mayr, Günther Schreder, Michael Smuc, "A Review of Information Visualization Approaches and Interfaces to Digital Cultural Heritage Collections", Proceedings of the 9th Forum Media Technology (FMT2016), pp. 74–81, 2016.
Eva Mayr, Paolo Federico, Silvia Miksch, Günther Schreder, Michael Smuc, Florian Windhager, "Visualization of Cultural Heritage Data for Casual Users", IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, 2016.
Florian Windhager, Albert Amor-Amorós, Michael Smuc, Paolo Federico, Lukas Zenk, Silvia Miksch, "A concept for the exploratory visualization of patent network dynamics", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, 2015.
Michael Smuc, Paolo Federico, Florian Windhager, Wolfgang Aigner, Lukas Zenk, Silvia Miksch, "How Do You Connect Moving Dots? Insights from User Studies on Dynamic Network Visualizations", Handbook of Human Centric Visualization, pp. 623-650, 2013.
Paolo Federico, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Florian Windhager, Michael Smuc, "Vertigo Zoom: Combining Relational and Temporal Perspectives on Dynamic Networks", Proceedings of the 11th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI2012), pp. 437-440, 2012.
Paolo Federico, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Jürgen Pfeffer, Michael Smuc, Florian Windhager, Lukas Zenk, "ViENA: Visual Enterprise Network Analytics", Poster Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), pp. 12, 2012.
Florian Windhager, Michael Smuc, Lukas Zenk, Paolo Federico, Jürgen Pfeffer, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, "Visual Knowledge Networks Analytics", Knowledge Management Handbook, pp. 187–206, 2012. paper
Margit Pohl, Michael Smuc, Eva Mayr, "The User Puzzle: Explaining the Interaction with Visual Analytics Systems", Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 18, pp. 2908 -2916, 2012.
Eva Mayr, Michael Smuc, Hanna Risku, Wolfgang Aigner, Alessio Bertone, Tim Lammarsch, Silvia Miksch, "Mapping the Users' Problem Solving Strategies in the Participatory Design of Visual Analytics Methods", Proceedings of 6th Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society (USAB 2010), pp. 1-13, 2010.
Michael Smuc, Eva Mayr, Tim Lammarsch, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Johannes Gärtner, "To Score or Not to Score? Tripling Insights for Participatory Design", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 29, pp. 29–38, 2009.
Johannes Gärtner, Wolfgang Aigner, Alessio Bertone, Robert Klausner, Tim Lammarsch, Eva Mayr, Silvia Miksch, Hanna Risku, Michael Smuc, "Visual Analytics for Workforce Requirements", Accepted extended abstract at 19th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time and Well-being in the 24-h Society, Venezia, Italy, vol. 29(3), pp. 29–38, 2009.
Tim Lammarsch, Wolfgang Aigner, Alessio Bertone, Johannes Gärtner, Eva Mayr, Silvia Miksch, Michael Smuc, "Hierarchical Temporal Patterns and Interactive Aggregated Views for Pixel-based Visualizations", Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV09), pp. 44–49, 2009.
Michael Smuc, Eva Mayr, Tim Lammarsch, Alessio Bertone, Wolfgang Aigner, Hanna Risku, Silvia Miksch, "Visualizations at First Sight: Do Insights Require Traininig?", Proceedings of 4th Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society (USAB 2008), pp. 261–280, 2008.