@conference{436, keywords = {visual knowledge discovery, Time Series Data, Business and Finance Visualization}, author = {Roger Leite and Theresia Gschwandtner and Silvia Miksch and Erich Gstrein and Johannes Kuntner}, title = {Visual Analytics for Fraud Detection and Monitoring}, abstract = {One of the primary concerns of financial institutions is to guarantee security and legitimacy in their services. Being able to detect and avoid fraudulent schemes also enhances the credibility of these institutions. Currently, fraud detection approaches still lack Visual Analytics techniques. We propose a Visual Analytics process that tackles the main challenges in the area of fraud detection. }, year = {2015}, journal = {Poster Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference 2015}, address = {Chicago, USA}, url = {http://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/PubDat_246900.pdf}, doi = {10.1109/VAST.2015.7347678}, note = {Posterpräsentation: IEEE VIS 2015, Chicago, USA; 2015-10-25 – 2015-10-30 }, }