@conference{417, keywords = {sensemaking, analytic provenance, data provenance, data quality, quality metrics, visual data analysis}, author = {Christian Bors and Theresia Gschwandtner and Silvia Miksch and Johannes Gärtner}, title = {QualityTrails: Data Quality Provenance as a Basis for Sensemaking}, abstract = {Visual Analytics prototypes increasingly support human sensemaking through providing Provenance information. For data analysts the challenge of knowledge generation starts with assessing the quality of a data set, but Provenance is not yet utilized to aid this task. This position paper aims at characterizing the complexity of Visual Analytics methods introducing Provenance in Data Quality by highlighting the challenges of (1) generating Provenance from Data Quality Control and (2) sensemaking based on Data Quality Provenance. }, year = {2014}, journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Workshop on Provenance for Sensemaking}, pages = {1–2}, note = {Vortrag: IEEE VIS Workshop on Provenance for Sensemaking, Paris; 2014-11-10 }, }